10 November 2009

P.M.T : Positive Menstrual Titters

The development and implementation of one of those cursed Positive Mental Attitudes can be a marvelous thing.

I am currently asunder what can only be described as moderate Pre-Menstrual Tension (the irony of that last letter is not lost on me, not that it is particularly ironic, but there goes).

Last month, I went fabulously mental, a real loopy old tart. This month, I am more alert to what is going on with me, and care significantly less about last month's cause of tension.

To prepare for my oncoming deluge, a trip to Boots was in order, where I purchased the largest packet of sanitary towels (three ruined pairs of jeans dictated that the moon cup was not for me), a splendidly large packet of chocolate buttons, and the largest packet of Feminax Ultra available over the counter. All of this was procured from the shop assistant who had the misfortune to be male, 17 and quite easily embarrassed.

I commend his customer service, as he attempted to keep eye contact, not blush, and retain his dignity. It is sad that I, one who could easily be him mother, chose not to go that route.

The poor dear - one trusts he has recovered. I have every intention of returning tomorrow with more lewd and inappropriate humour...

1 comment:

blissfulblues said...

I can totally relate. It was my birthday & my cycle co-incided rather nicely so that I banned candles, songs & spent most of the night in my bed crying & calling everyone "bastards" <--in my head thankfully @_@
Yeah PMT & depression not a pretty combo I find :$