11 January 2010

2009 and all that

So, 2009.  You were a period of time that had to be endured.  What an odd fellow you were too.

You brought people from my teenage years, a semi nervous breakdown, a talking daughter who has stopped screaming so much in the bath, a big boy who started primary school and got bullied, arguments with parents, Lid starting on the diagnosis journey, a lovely new house, a horrible housemate who turned out to be a paedophile (yes, this post is about him. I lied. Sorry. It should be noted that both children have been checked and are fine), my loss of trust in others but increased confidence in myself (regardless of wibbles), a lovely group of people who don't find me horrifically boring when I am being my stone cold sober self, an in resident parent, a renewed interest in politics and a lot of autism advocacy, The Boy's Green Team, The Lid's start at pre school and my subsequent partial emancipation, a trip to A&E, a vow of celibacy, lots of snow, an understanding of my mentalism, an understanding of the tells of my mentalism, a pregnancy scare and lots of outings to places as I start to seize control and have a social life again. Or, at the least, attempt to. Plus, of course, a Nativity play, and a lot of boring chatter.

You were, as my dear old Nan would have said "an strange one".

2010 - raise your game. That is all.

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